
Source code for torchfunc.hooks.recorders

**This module allows one to record neural network state (for example when data passes through it).**

`recorders` are organized similarly to
`torch.nn.Module`'s hooks (e.g. `backward`, `forward` and `forward pre`).
Additionally, each can record input or output from specified modules, which
gives us, for example, `ForwardInput` (record input to specified module(s) during forward pass).

Example should make it more clear::

    # MNIST classifier
    model = torch.nn.Sequential(
        torch.nn.Linear(784, 100),
        torch.nn.Linear(100, 50),
        torch.nn.Linear(50, 10),

    # Recorder which sums layer inputs from consecutive forward calls
    recorder = torchfunc.hooks.recorders.ForwardPre(reduction=lambda x, y: x+y)
    # Record inputs going into Linear(100, 50) and Linear(50, 10)
    recorder.children(model, indices=(2, 3))
    # Train your network normally (pass data through it somehow)
    # Save tensors (of shape 100 and 50) in folder, each named and respectively"./analysis"))

You could specify `types` instead of `indices` (for example all forward inputs to `torch.nn.Linear` will be registered),
iterate over modules recursively instead of shallow iteration with `children` method etc.

Each `recorder` has one or more `subrecorders`; those usually correspond to specific layer
for which recording will be done. In the above case, there are two `subrecorders`,
both of `torch.nn.Linear` type.

Additionally one can post-process data contained within `recorder` using `apply`

Concrete methods recording different data passing through network are specified below:


import pathlib
import typing

import torch

from .._base import Base
from ._dev_utils import register_condition

class _Recorder(Base):

    You can record only some of the data based on external conditions if `condition`
    `callable` is specified.

    Data can be cumulated together via `reduction` parameter, which is advised
    from the memory perspective.

    condition : Callable, optional
        No argument callable. If True returned, record data.
        Can be used to save data based on external environment (e.g. dataset's label).
        If None, will record every data point. Default: `None`
    reduction : Callable, optional
        Operation to use on incoming data. Should take two arguments, and return one.
        Acts similarly to reduction argument of Python's `functools.reduce <>`__.
        If `None`, data will be added to list, which may be very memory intensive.
        Default: `None`

    data : List
        Keeps data passing through subrecorders, optionally reduced by `reduction`.
        Each item represents data for specified `subrecorder`.
    subrecorders: List[Hooks]
        List containing registered subrecorders.
    handles : List[torch.utils.subrecorders.RemovableHandle]
        Handles for registered subrecorders, each corresponds to specific `subrecorder`.
        Can be used to unregister certain subrecorders (though discouraged, please use `remove` method).


    def __init__(self, register_method, method):
        self._register_method: typing.Callable = register_method
        self._method: typing.Callable = method = []
        self.subrecorders = []
        self.handles = []

    def _register_hook(
        iterating_function: str,
        types: typing.Tuple[typing.Any] = None,
        indices: typing.Tuple[int] = None,
        last_index = 0
        for index, module in enumerate(getattr(network, iterating_function)()):
            if register_condition(module, types, index, indices):
                hook = self._method(last_index,
                self.handles.append(getattr(module, self._register_method)(hook))
                last_index += 1

    def __setitem__(self, index, item):[index] = item

    def __getitem__(self, index):

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.subrecorders)

    def remove(self, index):
        r"""**Remove subrecorder specified by** `index`.

        Subrecorder will not record data passing through it and will be removed
        from `subrecorders` attribute.

        index: int
            Index of subrecorder (usually layer)

            Data contained in subrecorder.


    def samples(self, index) -> int:
        r"""**Count of samples passed through subrecorder under** `index`.

        index: int
            Index of `subrecorder` (usually layer)

            How many samples passed through specified `subrecorder`.

        return self.subrecorders[index].samples

    def iter_samples(self):
        r"""**Iterate over count of samples for each subrecorder**.

        index: int
            Index of subrecorder (usually layer)

            How many samples passed through this subrecorder.

        for hook in self.subrecorders:
            yield hook.samples

    def modules(
        module: torch.nn.Module,
        types: typing.Tuple[typing.Any] = None,
        indices: typing.List[int] = None,
        r"""**Register** `subrecorders` **using types and/or indices via** `modules` **method**.

        This function will use `modules` method of `torch.nn.Module` to iterate over available submodules. If you wish to iterate non-recursively, use `children`.


        If `types` and `indices` are left with their default values, all modules
        will have `subrecorders` registered.

        module : torch.nn.Module
            Module (usually neural network) for which inputs will be collected.
        types : Tuple[typing.Any], optional
            Module types for which data will be recorded. E.g. `(torch.nn.Conv2d, torch.nn.Linear)`
            will register `subrecorders` on every module being instance of either `Conv2d` or `Linear`.
            Default: `None`
        indices : Iterable[int], optional
            Indices of modules whose inputs will be registered.
            Default: `None`


        self._register_hook(module, "modules", types, indices)
        return self

    def children(
        types: typing.Tuple[typing.Any] = None,
        indices: typing.List[int] = None,
        r"""**Register** `subrecorders` **using types and/or indices via** `children` **method**.

        This function will use `children` method of `torch.nn.Module` to iterate over available submodules. If you wish to iterate recursively, use `modules`.


        If `types` and `indices` are left with their default values, all modules
        will have `subrecorders` registered.

        module : torch.nn.Module
            Module (usually neural network) for which inputs will be collected.
        types : Tuple[typing.Any], optional
            Module types for which data will be recorded. E.g. `(torch.nn.Conv2d, torch.nn.Linear)`
            will register `subrecorders` on every module being instance of either `Conv2d` or `Linear`.
            Default: `None`
        indices : Iterable[int], optional
            Indices of modules whose inputs will be registered.
            Default: `None`


        self._register_hook(network, "children", types, indices)
        return self

    def save(self, path: pathlib.Path, mkdir: bool = False, *args, **kwargs):
        """**Save data tensors within specified path.**

        Each data tensor will be indexed by integer `[0, N)`, where indices
        represent consecutive `subrecorders`.

        path: pathlib.Path
                Path where tensors will be saved.
        mkdir: bool, optional
                If True, create directory if doesn't exists. Default: False
                Varargs passed to `pathlib.Path`'s `mkdir` method if `mkdir` argument set to True.
                Kwarargs passed to `pathlib.Path`'s `mkdir` method if `mkdir` argument set to True.

        if mkdir:
            path.mkdir(*args, **kwargs)
        for index, subrecorder in enumerate(self):
  , path / "{}.pt".format(index))

    def apply(self, function: typing.Callable):
        """**Apply function to data contained in each subrecorder.**

        Data will be modified an saved inside data of each subrecorder.
        This function may make `recorder` unusable, it's up to user
        to ensure correct functioning after this functionality was used.

        function: Callable
                Single argument (`torch.Tensor` data from `subrecorder`) callable
                returning anything.

        for subrecorder in self:
            subrecorder = function(subrecorder)

    def apply_sample(self, function: typing.Callable) -> None:
        """**Apply function to data contained in each subrecorder.**

        Works like `apply`, except `Callable` is passed number of samples passed
        through `subrecorder` as second argument

        function: Callable
                Two argument (`torch.Tensor` data from `subrecorder` and number of `samples` which passed through it)
                `Callable` returning anything.

        for subrecorder, sample in zip(self, self.iter_samples()):
            subrecorder = function(subrecorder, sample)

class _Hook:
    def __init__(self, index: int, data: typing.List, samples: int = 0):
        self.index = index = data
        self.samples = samples

    def _call(self, to_record, condition, reduction):
        if condition is None or condition():
            self.samples += 1
            if self.index >= len(
                if reduction is None:
          [-1] = [[-1]]
                if reduction is not None:
          [self.index] = reduction(
              [self.index], to_record[0]

[docs]class ForwardPre(_Recorder): __doc__ = _Recorder.__doc__.format( "Record input values before forward of specified layer(s)." ) def __init__( self, condition: typing.Callable = None, reduction: typing.Callable = None ): self.condition = condition self.reduction = reduction class ForwardPreHook(_Hook): def __call__(inner_self, module, inputs): inner_self._call(inputs, self.condition, self.reduction) super().__init__("register_forward_pre_hook", ForwardPreHook)
[docs]class ForwardInput(_Recorder): __doc__ = _Recorder.__doc__.format( "Record input values after forward of specified layer(s)." ) def __init__( self, condition: typing.Callable = None, reduction: typing.Callable = None ): self.condition = condition self.reduction = reduction class ForwardInputHook(_Hook): def __call__(inner_self, module, inputs, _): inner_self._call(inputs, self.condition, self.reduction) super().__init__("register_forward_hook", ForwardInputHook)
[docs]class ForwardOutput(_Recorder): __doc__ = _Recorder.__doc__.format( "Record output values after forward of specified layer(s)." ) def __init__( self, condition: typing.Callable = None, reduction: typing.Callable = None ): self.condition = condition self.reduction = reduction class ForwardOutputHook(_Hook): def __call__(inner_self, module, _, outputs): inner_self._call(outputs, self.condition, self.reduction) super().__init__("register_forward_hook", ForwardOutputHook)
[docs]class BackwardInput(_Recorder): __doc__ = _Recorder.__doc__.format( "Record input gradients after those are calculated w.r.t. specified module." ) def __init__( self, condition: typing.Callable = None, reduction: typing.Callable = None ): self.condition = condition self.reduction = reduction class BackwardInputHook(_Hook): def __call__(inner_self, module, grad_inputs, _): inner_self._call(grad_inputs, self.condition, self.reduction) super().__init__("register_backward_hook", BackwardInputHook)
[docs]class BackwardOutput(_Recorder): __doc__ = _Recorder.__doc__.format( "Record output gradients after those are calculated w.r.t. specified module." ) def __init__( self, condition: typing.Callable = None, reduction: typing.Callable = None ): self.condition = condition self.reduction = reduction class BackwardOutputHook(_Hook): def __call__(inner_self, module, _, outputs): inner_self._call(outputs, self.condition, self.reduction) super().__init__("register_backward_hook", BackwardOutputHook)