

torchtraining is a functional PyTorch neural network training library which provides high level building blocks and integrations instead of trying to do everything for you under the hood (most of current approaches, e.g. pytorch-lightning, skorch).

Using unified approach (single ** operator) across metrics, callbacks and others all users have to do is inherit from specific object (usually torchtraining.Operation) and implement desired forward or use provided building blocks by us.


See Google Colab tutorials to get a feel and what’s possible with this framework:

  • Introduction - quick tour around functionalities with CIFAR100 classification and tensorboard

  • GAN training - more advanced example and creating you own pipeline components


Integration are currently WIP, please file any issues you find along the way

Following are currently available:

All of those can be installed via extras, see below.


Following installation methods are available:


To install latest release:

pip install --user torchtraining

To install nightly version:

pip install --user torchtraining-nightly

torchtraining integrations come with extra. Simply run:

pip install --user torchtraining[neptune, tensorboard]

To install necessary packages for additional torchtraining.callbacks modules. Available extras:

  • [all] - install all extras in one go

  • [callbacks] - third party callbacks: [neptune, comet, tensorboard]

  • [accelerators] - third party accelerators: [horovod]

  • [horovod] - HOROVOD_CUDA_HOME=/path/to/cuda may be required during pip install

  • [neptune]

  • [comet]

  • [tensorboard]